
Follow Rocco Ragni’s blog on a journey of style and self-empowerment to get a preview at the season’s trends.

With the Snow Queen down jacket, it will be a Happy White Christmas

In Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, the Snow Queen was as enchanting as she was…
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Cardigan x3

It is the key garment of the mid-seasons. It is the type of knit that…
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Winter couples

It is said that those who look like each other get caught: a popular saying…
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The Rocco Ragni brand has long been a member of the traceability system called Traceability & Fashion, promoted by Unioncamere and the Italian Chambers of Commerce.

The system is managed by Unionfiliere to redevelop and enhance the products of the Gold and Fashion supply chains, the main protagonists of Made in Italy. This project was created with the aim of guaranteeing the origin and processing of cashmere garments produced in Umbria. The system ensures that only after the ITF (Italian Textile Fashion) inspections, aimed at verifying the origin of the materials and their processing, can a special label be applied to the garments.

This label is equipped with a microchip containing all the production stages (spinning, weaving, mending, treatments, etc.) with the relative dates and places of production for each cashmere garment. In this way, customers can verify all the phases of the supply chain of the purchased garment simply by typing the barcode on the label on www.itfashion.org or by photographing the QR code with a smartphone. Once this data has been entered, the screen will show the company website with all the information relating to the history of the garment.

The internationalization project for LUXURY ROCCO RAGNI SRL in the EUROPEAN-USA MARKETS was realized thanks to the contribution: POR FESR 2014-2020 AXIS III–ACTION 3.3.1 of the Umbria Region: PUBLIC TRAVEL NOTICE Export promotion projects intended for companies and their aggregate forms identified on a territorial or sectoral basis CUP G99J21014920006

ERD – ROP 2014-2020 AXIS III – ACTION 3.3.1 of The Umbria Region. Export promotion projects intended for companies and their aggregate forms identified on a territorial or sectoral basis CUP G99J21014920006

Subsidized loan from the Loan Fund “SMALL” Regione Umbria-PORFESR2014-2020 REGIONE UMBRIA – Prot. 6442 ROCCO RAGNI SRL
The participation to following exhibitions:La moda italiana Kiev from 12 to 13 October 2021; Scoop x Pure London from 8 to 10 February 2022; Supreme Women 6 Men Munich from 12 to 15 February 2022 was carried out with the support of following funds POR-FESR 2014-2020 ASSE III – AZ 3.3.1 Public notice for the presentation of internationalisation projects through the participation tointernational exhibitions 2021-2022 CUP G98I22000390006
The paricipation to Scoop x Pure Spring/Summer 2021 exhibition held from SEptember 7th to 9th 2021 in London was carried out with the support of following funds POR FEST Umbria 2014-2020 AZ 3.3.1 Public notice for the presentation of internationalisation projects through the participation to international exhibitions held from October 1st 2020 to December 31st 2021 CUP G99J21008200006
The participation to CIF 57 held from August 11th to 13th 2021 in Copenhagen was carried out with the support of following funds: POR FESR Umbria 2014-202 – Az. 3.3.1 – 1 Public notice for the presentation of internationalisation projects through the participation to international exhibitions held from October 1st 2020 to December 31st 2021 CUP G99J21008200006
The participation to Supreme Women & Men held from August 7th to 10th 2021 in Munich was carried out with the support of following funds: POR FESR Umbria 2014-202 – Az. 3.3.1 – 1 Public notice for the presentation of internationalisation projects through the participation to international exhibitions held from October 1st 2020 to December 31st 2021 CUP G99J21008200006
POR FESR UMBRIA 2014-2020 – New tools to promote internationalisation for Umbria SME – public notice of voucher for consulting service 2018 for the realisation of the internationalisation project: Rocco Ragni – Russia project
POR FESR UMBRIA 2014-2020-3.3.1. – Public notice for the participation tointernational exhibition 2019 for the patricipation to the exhibition: WHO’S NEXT PARIS 18/21 January 2019 and Moda italia Tokyo 5/7 February 2019